Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

As another year comes to an end, a new year begins and we all take a look back and reflect on the last 365 days. So much has happened, so much has gone on. So many new things in life. There has been pain, there has been heartache, there has been loss. To many times we have heard whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger and while in the midst of pain this seems stupid and dumb to say, hind sight is 20/20 in that this is the truth and we grow as a result of it. I usually make a New Year's resolution. This year I will not be making one. This year I only hope that the pain and loss does not linger for those who experienced it, that true joy touches everyone's heart, that we are truly thankful for what we have and where we are in our lives, and that 2012 is a more profitable and enjoyable year. Where the past is in the past, we live in the here and now and we plan for all that the future can bring us. Join me in raising a glass (non-alcoholic of course) to 2012. Happy New Year everyone!!!

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