Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dr.'s Visit Today

I finally got a chance to visit with the other Dr. in the practice that I go to. She is very nice. Great bedside manner and definitely feels like your mom or grandmother relationship. She looked at my charts and checked my test this morning and said all is good. No Sodium in the urinalysis, the Strep B test came out negative, my blood pressure is great, the baby's heart rate is perfect, I have gained 2 pounds since last week Dr.'s appt, and my fundus has grown- baby is getting bigger. We talked more about my swollen hands, ankles and feet. She said I was surprisingly less swollen than most women this far along in pregnancy. She said to rest my feet when I can, drink lots of fluids, stay away from ham and other salty cured meats, watch my salt intake, and get myself a good pair of support hose. Wow, I think I just stepped off the fashion train into Grandma Town! Yikes. But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Support hose here we come. Fashionable or not, gotta wear them to stay comfortable and relieve some of the swelling.

Today is my last day of work for this week then 5 days of Christmas Vacation at the in-laws. Gonna relax, put my feet up and enjoy. Not to mention celebrate Christmas 3 times, make tamales and celebrate Dan's b-day on Friday. Phew! A woman's work is never done. Maybe I can do all of this from the couch laying down??????? Hmmmmmmmmm.

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