Monday, December 5, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Lots to talk about. A lot of things going on in the past 4 days. Too much to write in one blog. Multiple entries to day.

Last Thursday I had a baby Dr. appt. at 2pm. So far I have gained 27pounds during the pregnancy and am doing really well. Dr. says Sophia is a moose. She is 4.7 pounds right now and will gain another 1/2 pound to a pound each week for the next 6-8 weeks. Making her 8-9 pounds at birth. 6 weeks if she comes the potential 2 weeks early or 8 weeks if she comes right on time. I had an ultrasound and got to see her one last time before she makes her debut. She has the absolute biggest cheeks in the entire world. The nurses were laughing at her ultrasound pics because she actually has a button nose and beady eyes with these 2 Hubba Bubba bubbles attached to each side of her face. She looks very alien with a Homer Simpson oval head and just cheeks.

I have been having trouble sleeping at night but not for the reasons you would think. I have been waking up in the middle of the night having a hard time breathing. I dont have asthma and any other lung issues. I talked more to the Dr. about this and he says it is anxiety attacks in the middle of the night while I am sleeping because my subconscious is letting loose from the day. Great!!! So trying not to stress.

Called the "Moms" after the Dr.'s appt. to talk cheeks. My mom says all of us girls were 7.2, 7.6, 8.0 when we were born. No cheeks unfortunately. So when I spoke to my Mother-In-Law she laughed. "Cheeks, of yes, all 3 kids were all cheeks at birth". Apparently they all take after Fred. I will be seeing Dan's baby book over Christmas to see the "evidence" of this to see what Sophia will be looking like on her special day. Really excited, never seen Dan's baby book before. Should be fun............ and embarrassing for him!!!!! LOL

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