Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bridesmaids Dress Shopping.....

I am proud to say that I am a Bridesmaid in my best friend, Vanessa's wedding next June. I am so looking forward to it. Not much time after baby gets here to work off the baby weight but I will do it to look good and fit into my dress. Speaking of dress, unfortunately they have discontinued the color Vanessa chose for her Bridesmaid's dresses and we are all having to run out this month and buy them super early so that we have them. Um, Houston, we have a problem!!!! I am 8 months pregnant, not post baby size and I don't know what will fit later on. Uh-Oh! So Vanessa is taking me out tonight to David's Bridal and we are checking out the different styles that I have looked into. I have decided to find a dress in a size that will fit me now and over the next 6 weeks (I have an awards banquet for my company to go to and it is formal- perfect timing!!!). Then after the baby weight comes off I can just have it altered. Should be a slam dunk if all goes right. Keep your fingers crossed.

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