Monday, December 19, 2011

Extended Family Christmas with Dan's Family

It was a busy weekend as you can tell. Dan and I went over to his parents house on Sunday morning and spent some time with them and got some last minute Christmas shopping done. We then went to his Aunt Corey an Uncle Jim's house in Camarillo and had finger foods and celebrated their extended family Christmas. Everyone contributed and brought something to nibble on so we were able to munch all night long and still fill up. We had meatballs and cocktail wieners, sweet potato casserole, sausages, cheese, grapes, different types of salamis and meats, nuts and candies, tamales and chili rellenos, chicken wings, stuffed mushrooms, hot apple cider and hot butter rum punch. It was very traditional Christmas-ey. Santa even came by for a visit. He nibbled a little, read to the children and then let us sit on his lap and remind him what we wanted for Christmas to make sure we got exactly what we wanted. I sat on Santa's lap and told him I didn't want anything for Christmas but that if he could put in a call to the big guy upstairs I would like to ask that Sophia is safe and healthy when she is born in the new year. Santa promised!!!!! He even took pictures with me. How cute. Sophia is not even here yet and she already has her first photos with Santa. Looking forward to showing her them come next year when she is better able to understand them.

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