Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ommmmmmm, Ommmmmmmmm

I have to give a huge shout out to my Sister-In-Law Rachel and her husband Rick for the Christmas gift they gave me. Rick was my Kris Kringle for Christmas and they got me a gift certificate to Massage Envy for a 90 minute prenatal massage. OMG!!!!!!!!! I sooooo took advantage of that last night after work. I had the cutest little massage therapist. Her name was Lucy and she was a tiny little Asian woman with a soft voice. Very grandma-esque and she was so ginger with me and my body. 90 minutes later I was mush! I felt lighter than air and I think I actually floated out of the spa. No stress, no tension, no drama, and definitely no knots or kinks. Ahhhhhh. This will go down in the history books as THE best gift ever, that I have gotten. No words can begin to express how thankful I am. Wow, to feel like a whole woman again. It's just amazing how you carry all of that crud around with you on your shoulders, your back and neck and aren't even aware of it until it actually starts to hurt. This was awesome. Now I feel like I am totally qualified and prepared to get in that hospital and birth this baby. Watch out world, here comes "Super Mom".

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