Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wow, What A Week. Lots To Talk About....

So I left after work on Wednesday of last week to go to my in-laws house for 5 days of vacation and Christmas R & R. So much to do, so many people to see and in such little time.

I got a chance to see my brother-in-law who flew in from Texas, my sister-in-law and her son who flew in from Northern California, my Uncle Jeff who flew in from Medford, Oregon and even got to see the usual suspects: Uncle Jim, Cousin Aliar and one of her kids Ava, Karl and Jackie and Lauren and her new hubbie Jon. It was a great 5 days.

My mother-in-law kidnapped me and my sister-in-law on Thursday morning and took us for manis and pedis. Ahhhhhhhh, feels good.

We celebrated Christmas with some of my father-in-laws family, Christmas with Dan's immediate family, Christmas with my immediate family and Christmas with my dads side of the family. Are you exhausted yet. Keep reading not done yet........

We celebrated Dan's 39th birthday on Friday (Happy B-Day Baby!), did some before and after Christmas shopping and still had time for our LeBlanc family tradition every year....... TAMALE MAKING!!! Yup, that's right, from scratch: masa, hojos, pulled pork and chili sauce, mashed, wrapped, tucked, steamed and some eaten. Yummy! This has got to be one of my favorite family traditions. It really does bring everyone together.

Wait, did I leave anything out............................

Homemade Mole making Wednesday night, home made lasagna making Thursday night and a perfect roasted turkey with all the Christmas trimmings on Sunday night, plus a trip to the movies to see Sherlock Holmes on Christmas day. Never done that before. It was kind of cool. Would like to check that out again next year. It was a nice break from all of the other craziness.

Wow, what a summary. Feels like I had a book report due on what I did over Christmas break. Ahhhhh, and now to relax until my little bundle of pinkness gets here. Time to put the feet up, grab a cup of tea and chill.

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