Friday, December 16, 2011

Another Successful Dr.'s Visit

The Dr. was quite pleased with everything yesterday at my 2 week check up. He said Sophia is weighing in well over 5 pounds now and her heartbeat has started to slow down since she is getting bigger and all of the organs are now starting to work properly and in a timely fashion, The funny part was he couldn't figure out what was her head and her butt. He kept pushing and checking and poking and got more and more confused. He then looked up at me and said, "Are you having a contraction right now?" and I said yes. He said that would explain why my belly was so tight and why it was making it difficult for him to pinpoint which bulge was what. He decided to do a vaginal inspection and sure enough he said she was head down and ready to go. He said I didn't have much room left down there and wanted to know if I was done with work already. I said no way. I still have 6 more weeks to go, maybe 4 if she comes early. You should have seen the look on his face!!!!! It was like a bobble head doll with huge bulging puppy eyes!!!!! He said oh, ok you sure???? I said why. He said because she may be here by then already. Holy cow!!! If I leave for maternity leave 2 weeks before my due date and he seems to think she will be here before that, she would be 3-4 weeks early. No way!!! Dan is giddy. He thinks Sophia will be a December baby, so does my Mother-In-Law. With this new info I think she will be a new year baby. My Father-In-Law is hoping for a 2011 tax credit for us. LOL We will see. Anyone up for a baby pool on birth date????

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