Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bring On The Braxton-Hicks.....

I had my first 2 official, "stop me in my tracks", "that's new", Braxton-Hicks contractions yesterday. One before lunch and one late afternoon. Wow, totally different from the little cramping that has been going on the past 3 weeks. This means I am in the home stretch. I can't wait. Well, yes, yes I can. 6 more weeks if she comes early, 7 more weeks if she comes on time. I am currently in week 33. I am more tired than I have been before this point in time. I am looking forward to the upcoming Holidays and time spent relaxing in the company of my family and friends (with my feet up of course). More than anything I look forward to all of the Christmas music and smells, food and laughter. I guess you can say I am in the nesting phase now and I just want to surround myself with those I love and enjoy what life has to offer. No more hustle an bustle. No more drama. No more running around just sheer serenity. THAT, I am so ready for!

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