Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child

Dan and I had a blast last night! They were nice enough to allow me to sit at the sorting and prep table for the evening rather than standing on the production line with Dan and my friend Kathy. For those of you who don't know, Samaritan's Purse ( is a non-profit Christian organization that spans the globe preaching the gospel and bringing Christ into the lives of those who are not saved. Every year for Christmas, they package millions of donations boxes ( from people just like you to give out to children less fortunate in third world countries so they have a Christmas present while simultaneously teaching them about Jesus. Every year my husband and I go and participate and bring a few friends or co-workers. It's a lot of fun, a lot of work but worth every minute of our time. Read more about Operation Christmas Child and what is does here:

Last night I got a chance to bag candy, roll and rubber band shorts, tanks, tees and underwear (so they would be smaller to fit in the boxes). Dan and Kathy got to "work the line". They opened boxes, took out the monetary donations, inspected the boxes to make sure they didnt have anything inappropriate in them, added to them so they were nice and full, taped them up and packed them in cartons for the pallets.

When all is said and done, the organization is kind enough to provide participation certificates, Christmas ornaments and tee shirts to all participants involved at the processing centers.

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