Tuesday, November 15, 2011

71 Days and Counting

I am officially in week 30 now and in the home stretch. 10 more weeks to go approximately, depending on when Sophia wants to be a Diva and make her grand entrance. Starting month 8 I have to tell you I can feel it. I am super tired and can't shake the "I don't want to do anything" feeling. Every time I put something off it gets added to my To Do List the next day. I think I now have a weeks worth of things to do on that darn list and still have gotten anything done. Sigh! I guess this is the new me. I used to be early. Then I got pregnant, now I am on time. Looks like when Sophia gets here I will always be late and stuff just won't get done. So World, I am officially announcing "Deal With It!!!!" This is just how its gonna be going forward.

Although I do have to admit, I did quite a bit over the weekend. Celebrated my b-day Thursday with dinner at Benihana's with the hubby, took in the Baby Expo in San Diego with my friend Jess on Friday, did our Lamaze class with Dan on Saturday and then had a public speaking engagement in Long Beach on Sunday. I guess you are probably reading this going "Of course your tired, look at all you did!" LOL This week plays out to be much slower and low key. Thank God. Here's to slowin' it down.

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