Monday, November 21, 2011

Gentleman, Start Your Engines....... Well..... Not Really!

Saturday, Oh Saturday! What a day. What can I say. This car had no engine on Saturday. It took me 2 hours just to get up enough energy to get in and out of the shower, get clothes on and 1 shoe and 1 sock (Dan had to put the other ones on for me). I was so tired, out of breath and hot flashy that all I could do not to faint was sit down and fan myself. It was crazy. As if I was telling my body what to do but my body was protesting and doing its own thing. "One of these things is doin' its own thing....." I was so exhausted. I got nothing done Saturday morning. I think it was a t least 2 o'clock before I got enough energy to get up and get going. I was able to help Dan clean the house as best as I could. Sunday was a much better day. Sophia let me sleep in a little and then Dan made breakfast. I got up, got going, ran some errands and then finished up the rest of the house cores with Dan.

My In-Laws came over for a visit yesterday late afternoon. They wanted to see the nursery and how we had set it up. I hadn't seen them for a while and so we celebrated my belated birthday and went out to dinner to an Indian restaurant I just love in Little India in Artesia. We had a blast. Fred and Laura presented me with my birthday gift: a beautiful silver and gold locket for a picture of Sophia. It is just gorgeous. So sentimental and loved already. My Mother has a beautiful pendant in gold with a picture of me in it all dolled up in a purple frilly dress at one of my picture sittings. How perfect that I will be able to do the same for  my daughter and carry her picture around with me as well.

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