Monday, November 14, 2011

I Can No Longer Put On Pants......

Have you ever had this problem? I can no longer put on pants! No it's true!!! You should have seen me on Saturday afternoon. Dan and I were throwing on some jeans after coming back from our Lamaze class to get comfy. I looked at the ground, looked at the jeans in my left hand and then looked at the ground again. How the heck was I going to do this???? I can no longer bend my knees far enough to climb into my jeans and can no longer sit on the edge of the bed to put both legs in at one time. What is a girl to do? I wiggled the jeans across the floor, picked up my right foot and tapped the floor to catch them. No dice. I looked like Mr. Ed pawing a the ground. 1 paw for No and 2 paws for Yes. I was in stitches. I was laughing so hard I peed myself and them snorted from laughing so hard about peeing myself. Dan could not believe it. He was crying he was laughing so hard. So I hung an arm over Sophia's crib to my right, hung the jeans from my left hand and dangled them on the floor till they got close to my right foot and then pawed at them with my right foot until my foot was through the leg opening. I quickly pulled up and Whalah! 1 leg done. How the heck was I going to get the other one in without losing the first one? Crime-a-neatly nutsy! How the heck do you preggos do it? So I had to start the process all over again. I took me about 10 minutes. But I figured it out and am proficient at pant- putting-on now. Just wait until next month when I am even bigger and I have to figure out how to do this again given my new size. Sheesh!!!

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