Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I Am Thankful For This Year.....

As tomorrow is Thanksgiving, my mind wanders to all of the things I am thankful for this year. And what a year it has been! My BFF Shana, on her blog, started a "What am I thankful for" list for every day leading up to Turkey day tomorrow Great idea, I just got started on it a little late to include all 24 days of Thanksgiving. But here is my list of what I am thankful for. As you read through this list, I challenge you to think about your own lives and be introspective. What are you thankful for today, yesterday and all year long? Hold tight to these thoughts to carry you through Christmas and remember what the "real reason for the season" is as we transition to the Christmas music on Friday and start (some of us finish) our Christmas shopping.

-I am thankful for a wonderful husband who loves me, spoils me rotten and thinks & says that I am beautiful and smart and worth it every day.
-I am thankful for the child that I am carrying. For a long time there we never thought this miracle would come to be.
-I am thankful for not just one set of loving parents but for 2. My Mom & Dad are absolutely the best role models in the world and have taught me everything I know. I owe them literally my life. I am proud to be their daughter. And my Mother-In-Law and Father-In-Law Laura and Fred are just beautiful people inside in out. So caring and loving and accepting. Thank you for letting me be a part of your family.
-I am thankful for my job which I do enjoy so much. I have a passion for helping people and have found my niche in helping people find jobs.
-I am thankful for my friends. Too many to name and mention here. You are loved and adored and appreciated!
-I am thankful for a place to live, a roof over my head, clothing on my back, food in my belly and enough money to keep the lights on and have certain creature comforts. So many people go without the basic necessities. I am lucky and thankful for what I have.
-I am thankful for my 2 sisters: Cindy and Kimberly. We may not always get along, we may live far and near but we are family. I love you more than I get the chance to tell you. You are precious gems in my life. Many of my fondest memories of what has shaped me to be the woman I am today come from just being with you 2!
-I am thankful for my dog. I know, I know. It's just a dog. But Bandit is so much more than that to me. He has been my confidant, friend, pillow and commiserator over the years. He is truly woman's best friend. I look forward to much time spent in awe of him interacting with Sophia creating the same bond he created with me over 9 years ago.
-Most importantly, and definitely saving the best for last, I am thankful for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For without him I would not be here. And for these blessings I am thankful for, I would not have.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!! May your day be filled with happiness and love and all things thankful.

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