Friday, November 4, 2011

Baby Shower #2 Countdown....

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... I am so excited for tomorrow. I can't wait. I get to get all of my girlfriends together with my gal pals from work and hang. Can not wait. It is going to be great. A big thank you goes out to my BFF Shana Smith for putting this together, dealing with the RSVP's and the food, games and hosting and all. You are an absolute doll and I love you bunches. Kisses!!!

Thanks also to the "Crew": Nikki, Charli and Vanessa for prizes, sodas, decorations and being the set up and take down crew. You guys are all amazing. I appreciate your time and talents more than you know.

You 4 are the best friends a girl could ever ask for. I thank God for you in my life. Thank you for all you do for me. I am indebted to you all for forever!

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