Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Big 33.......

I am not one to toot my own horn. I am not much of a ham or an attention whore. I spent most of my life trying to stay out of the lime light so as not to draw attention to myself. But everybody gets one day a year to call their own and to celebrate. Today is that day for's my 33rd birthday. I spent some time in reflection last night and thought harder about my life, my experiences and my age. Every year for as long as I can remember I have celebrated my birthday with a themed party, costumes or at least a little dress up. From a 50's themed party with greasers jackets and poodle skirts to a Hawaiian luau with leis and sarongs to pirate themes and theme parks. But this year is different. Being pregnant and preparing to be a mom really does change a woman. I guess you can say I am in the nesting mode. I am just looking forward to spending the evening with my hubby and belly bump and grabbing a bite at Benihana's (Tee, Hee, Hee). And I noticed while in reflection that I am 33 this year. Three-Three. Dan and I will be married for 3 years while I am 33 and having Sophia in January will make this twosome a threesome. I like the number 3. I think it is my new lucky number. Good things come in 3's. Here's to a year of wonderful 3- things to come!

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