Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Contractions, Contractions, CONTRACTIONS!!!!!!

Welcome to Pre Labor! Yup that's right we probably have another 24 to 72 hours before I really start working on popping this kid out. I have been having tremendous cramping since Monday and have had increasing contractions 3-4 on Monday 6-7 yesterday. Today has been very mild though. We are in the home stretch. Working from home tomorrow morning, company meeting at 1pm at The Montage Hotel in Laguna Hills (Dan's gonna drive me- he's nervous about me being so far, by myself). Company Kickoff at The Montage Hotel on Friday (we will see how I am feeling when I wake up that morning- if I am all good I will do the morning meeting only and have Dan drive me again) and then if I actually make it to Saturday night- our company awards banquet (we will go for dinner and pictures only then sneak out- no use being there all night feeling miserable). It's countdown time in a crunch. No one knows when Sophia will get here. Looking forward to it though. Just want to get the rest of the icky-ness and not feeling well pain stuff out of the way.

I am looking forward to my Dr.'s appt. tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to see if I have started dilating yet. That will tell me a lot about where we stand and what to do going forward from here. Stay tuned and keep posted. Baby is on the way!!!

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