Friday, January 20, 2012

What's On Tap For Today

Pancakes! Yup, at 4:52am there is nothing better than pancakes. So my Hubbie and I will start off the day with a hearty meal of pancakes, eggs and sausage prepared by yours truly. (Did I mention Dan didn't sleep either so he is also up as well...) We have a friend stopping by to drop off baby bump pics this morning around 9am and then it's off to the grocery store for some fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and a couple of other staples for around the house. (Refer back to my scurvy comment on a previous blog about 3 back LOL). Need to put gas in the car so we are not stranded when this baby comes, looking forward to walking the Galleria today and doing some sightseeing. Thanks to a good friend Mycah, I have a bunch of freebie coupons to use at the mall: free cookie, free lunch, free makeup, free facial, free makeup brushes.... woo hoo. Looking forward to turning them in and having a fun filled day at the mall all about me. (Hay, I am not being selfish here. Dan gets to get out of the house and go to the bookstore- his holy grail of pitstops along with the video game store. Trust me, this makes him a happy camper! And the two of us get quality time away from the house and get our minds off of this baby). I have been working on Sophia's baby book and picture album. I have a couple of more things I can do today in reagrds to that but not much till she gets here and we can actually start taking pictures of her. Other than that, that's what's on tap for today. Looking forward to the weekend though. Not that the weekend would be any different from the weekdays since everything runs together now that I am off work. The weather is changing. It is going to be raining. I love the rain. We could definitely use it. It is also great for curling up on the couch with someone special along with a mug of hot coco. Definitely looking forward to doing some of that this weekend!

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