Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hello Cramping & Contractions!

Today Dan and I took a walk around the mall. Wow what a difference. I did all that walking around Long Beach yesterday and nothing. A little walk around the mall and we got the contractions going again. Thank God!!! Sitting here waiting for Sophia to head towards the light. Today feels different. She feels a lot lower. More pelvic than stomach today.She doesn't feel like she is hanging off of me like she has been, this time it feels like she is hanging down. This feels like progress. I hope so. I also hope that I am not dreaming this or hallucinating either. That would suck. So ready for this to be over. Dr. said it should be an easy labor and delivery. What exactly did he mean by that? No labor pains, no long hours of labor, what? You can't do that to a pregnant woman. He got me all excited and amped up and now I am just waiting in anticipation. It's sheer torture. Countdown to my next Dr.'s appt. this Thursday.

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