In Disney's animated film Nemo, Nemo and his friend Dori get caught up with a school of fish in a fisherman's net. Their only chance of survival is to "swim down" as a team and break the net to get free. I am proud to say my daughter is "swimming down". My belly is no longer round. It is oblong and shifted to the left. (It truly looks like the bride of Frankenstein. Its one of those train wrecks where you keep saying don't look, don't look but you just have to. You should have seen people staring at me at the mall yesterday) LOL Sophia has stretched out, legs and feet extended up in my ribs and lungs with the rest of her body laying comfortably in my pelvis. This girl is ready to go!!!!!
I was up all last night with cramping and contractions. Praise God we are back on track and we are getting this process going again. I don't think I could go another week without anything happening. I would probably induce out of sheer insanity.
Looking forward to hopefully having a day time birth if there is such an option to check that request box. I cant imagine what type of sleep deprived beast I would turn into if we went into labor in the dead of the night. Hopefully today will be the day. Good things on tap for today. Dan has a blood donation this morning and a hair cut this afternoon. This is perfect! I get to get out of the house, do a little local sight seeing but not stray too far where we would be far enough away from the hospital to cause concern.
On another note, I got fantastic news that a previous colleague and good friend of mine Darriett is pregnant as well. Congrats!!! So excited for you and Ken. As soon as Sophia is here we can get together and properly celebrate your wonderful news.I am soooooo excited for you two. I know this is something you have been praying for. Great things happen to wonderful people!!!
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