Monday, January 16, 2012

A Productive Monday

Got up this morning around 9am. Got breakfast, showered and got cleaned up. Tackled the dishes, kitchen and the bathroom. Dan did the trash, made the bed, walked the dog. Not bad to get all that done by noon.

Fun times ahead today:
My mother-in-law and father-in-law are headed our way for the day. Looks like a walking trip around Long Beach for some fresh air and some encouragement for Sophia to come out and some seriously good Chinese food for lunch. Can not wait. It will be good for me to get out. Walking around Target and the grocery store have started to bore me. Walking around the complex here has done the same. Same old, same old. Nothing new to see or hear or do. Really looking forward to a change of scenery in Long Beach and some good old fashioned salted sea air in my face. It's like milk..... "It does a body good"!

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