Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Saturday

The day is only half over but it has been a grat day so far. Today has been a lazy day Saturday. Slept it, slept great by the way, a big Saturday morning family breakfast: eggs, sausage, toast, pancakes, coffee and some quality time with my Hubbie and the dog. A quick shower to refresh myself and I feel like a new woman.
Ahhhhhhh! This is what every Saturday should be like let alone every weekend. I guess this is the calm before the storm. Its actually kind of nice if you can say that given the circumstances.

On another note though, my cell phone has been ringing off the hook since last night, friends, family, loved ones all checking in to see if the baby is here yet since our due date was this past Wednesday. Wish there was more to report. I will keep you posted. Stay tuned.

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