Friday, September 9, 2011

Breaking News: Stop The Presses!

IT'S A GIRL!!!! I repeat. IT'S A GIRL!!!! That's right. The ultrasound went great yesterday and my little bundle of joy is doing well. She is happy and very healthy and enjoying life. Did I mention her head is the size of a bowling ball already. Sheesh! Any bigger and she is just not coming out. LOL Her name will be Sophia Rosalind LeBlanc. Don't quote me on the spelling just yet. Dan and I are working on that to make it just perfect. She is still due January 26th, 2012. We have decided on a theme for the nursery of Animals. Zoo animals, Safari animals, Rain Forest animals. Also, we are both not big fans of pink. Sorry..... but we aren't. So we were thinking more along the lines of like a violet purple and kiwi green (think Tinkerbell colors) or a chocolate brown and a Tiffany's shade of teal blue. We think any of these will do. We just don't want a bottle of Pepto Bismal Pink to vomit all over our house. We know we will still get a lot of pink but we are just trying to keep it to a minimum.

1 comment:

Karleen Stutzman said...

I know someone in your neighborhood that is very excited to hear the news (Charli & Rob) Just to give you fair will be hard for her to hold back on one of her favorite colors (pink) Congratulations to you both!! We look forward to meeting Sophia the next time we are in CA. Love to you both Kent & Karleen