Friday, September 23, 2011

My little Bubble....

Thank you to all of you who read my blog from earlier this week and sent Daniel, Sophia and I love and prayers. It's so weird. We all use texting, social media, emails, etc to connect and none of them are personal by any means. They are tons faster and easier and they get the job done sooner. For example, I can call a friend, leave a message and not hear from her for days. But if I text her, I hear right back. That's kind of how I felt about my blog earlier this week. I just needed to get it out there in cyber space to get it off of my chest. I didn't care who it went to, who saw it or how they felt about it. I felt better as a result of it. Sometimes we live in a little bubble. We connect personally with our close family and friends and then it doesn't go much beyond that. For me, my blog allows me to extend that little bubble to the "Are You There God It's Me Margaret" crowd out there in cyber space. In essence whoever is listening. I don't know who I am talking to, who is seeing this, what they think of me as a result and what they are doing about it. It just simply gives me a chance to share with others so that they don't feel like they are the only one and in turn I hope that I am not alone either. I have to admit I like my little bubble. Many people do. The close comfort of those you love and care about that keep your secrets and share your pain and happiness. In regards to the news Daniel and I have received earlier this week, I think that's what I'll do. I will keep it just within my tight little bubble of people. I don't want to have to explain myself, to pity myself, to explain the situation or have to let other people know its ok that this is happening to me to make them feel better about being around me or to dry their tears so I can move on and dry my own. And I will share this with those of you who read my blog. My "T.V. Land Family" so to speak. Are you out there?

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