Friday, September 9, 2011

Secret Squirrel: Alpha, Bravo & Charlie Company....

Secret Mission Impossible: Call Sign "Baby Registry" will commence at 1000 hours this Sunday. We will be registering at Babies 'R Us and Target. And..... we have a plan!!!  A diabolical one a that. Dan and I agreed that he might get babied out by all of the registry stuff. So he and I (Alpha Team) will go to Babies 'R Us together and register for the big things on our list first. Our friends Brad and Nikki will meet up with us as a result forming Teams Bravo (Nikki and I) and Charlie (Brad and Dan). Charlie Team will take off and do non baby related Charlie Team things while Bravo Team takes on Target and the remainder of the Mission. There is only one outcome here people: a successful mission. It will take everything we have got. Stay strong, build your endurance now. Prepare MRE's and appropriate rations while you can. No soldier will be left behind. This is my registry scanner. There are many of them like it, but this one is mine. Hoo Rah!!! Go, Go, GO!!!!!!

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