Tuesday, September 13, 2011

That Baby Smell...

I was softly lulled to sleep last night to the smell of a brand new wood finished crib. That sawdust smell of fresh wood like you were at a barn dance or had walked into a saw mill. It was a beautiful scent and one that brought me comfort in knowing we now had a crib for Sophia and that she soon would be here. Daniel and I finalized the spelling of her name Sophia Roselyn LeBlanc. And now my heart is full.

I look forward to the days ahead of sharing this special time in my life with my family and friends. To over sized bottles of baby powder and baby wipes that softly scent the air with just a wisp of an impending child. To the smell of Dreft Baby Detergent slowly filling the house as I wash all of Sophia's soon to be worn clothing and bedding. To the softness of her crib sheets as I make her bed in preparation for her. My eyes begin to water and my thoughts turn to my unborn child. Will she look like her Daddy? Will she look like me? Will she look like her ancestors who have come and gone before us. Will that be my Grandmother Teresa's nose or my Father-In-Laws smile? Will she love me the way I love her already and she isn't even here yet? Will she know how special she is? So many sought after answers, too many unanswered questions, so little time to prepare for such a large blessing as this. God, thank you for our little miracle. May she be as perfect as you have created her to be!

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