Friday, September 30, 2011

Can It Be Possible..... The Morning Sickness Is Back????

This week has been a little weird in the morning and early afternoon. I have started getting headaches again and my stomach is just not happy with me. Is it possible after 2 and a half months that my morning sickness is back??? Say it ain't so. My headaches hurt so much I just want to take a nap and sleep them off. Not an option at work. I am always starving but terrified of eating so that I don't throw up. Not an option at work either. I am sooooo glad it is Friday though. 2 days to sort of relax. Maybe I can take a nap during the day Saturday and Sunday. Maybe that will help. Working on some chicken soup right now in hopes it miraculously fixes my aches and pains. Ever feel like passing out on your keyboard? Yup, I'm right there right now. No narcolepsy just let me put my head down I can't hold it up any more. Signing off for now.....

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