Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do The Hokey Pokey and You Turn Yourself Around.....

OK calling all moms-to-be and veteran moms. Seriously, does pregnancy make you feel like you are doing the Hokey Pokey all day long or what? I am constantly pulling up my maternity band stretchy thingy, doing the tinkle dance when there is only 1 stall available, shifting from right to left because my knees and hips hurt, "stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight!" because my rear end keeps falling asleep and my tail bone is killing me, let alone flexing my toes and feet to make sure my calves don't cramp up. Really. REALLY!!! Do you know how silly I look on a daily basis and what's worse is the "Baby Brain" IS getting worse and I fell out of my office chair 2 days ago. Really! I am not lying. How do you fall out of a chair when it is sitting still. OMG! And everybody keeps telling me it is going to get worse. I have officially decided I am going to run off and join the circus since I already look like I am one myself. LOL

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