Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Like To Eat, Eat, Eat Apples & Bananas.....

So I have found Sophia's favorites...... apple juice and bananas. When ever I eat them she goes crazy in my stomach yanking on her legs, punching and kicking, pulling on her umbilical cord. Do you remember the old Adams Family TV show. Where Gomez and Mortisia would yank on the braided carpet tassel pulley and the butler would come in and say "You Rang"? It's kind of like that with Sophia. LOL I drink the apple juice or have a banana and she goes nuts. She yanks on her umbilical cord for "More" to ring mommy. Haaaaaa I love it. She cracks me up. She already has a sense of humor. Sounds like she is a chip off the old block.

She's been super active this week. More so than ever before. I started week 23 yesterday and am 2 weeks away from finishing my 6th month and starting my 7th. Can you believe it has gone by so fast already??!! I also popped this week to. She is my little soldier. She is finally standing at attention and my belly sticks out now. I carry much higher now. 

I think she likes it when I sing..... well let me rephrase that. I think she likes it when I hum and warble like a dead and dying cow. I think she feels it's comforting. Hay, I wasn't blessed with a set of golden pipes but I can belt it out like the rest of you. God says make a pleasing noise unto him so I took that as if you can't sing, sing loud! LOL

So here's to more juice, more nanas and bad renditions of Pat Benatar's "Love is A Battlefield".

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