Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Am A Living Version Of A Drum Set

So Sophia thinks Mommy is a drum set. Her own personal drum set might I add. The kick counter is off the charts this week. Not only have I "popped" this week and am feeling "larger than life", but my daughter thinks its funny to kick me 15 to 27 times in a row and bang on my belly with her fists. Diva? Maybe. Temper Tantrum? Not likely. Rock Star? You better believe it!!!! LOL Dan felt her last night kick me super hard and he couldn't believe how bad that must feel for me from the inside out. My neighbor Nikki got to feel too and started giggling incessantly. I couldn't stop laughing at her laughing. It made me have to pee I laughed myself so hard. Is is possible to have bruises from the inside out from being punched and kicked like this? I think it's time to have a stern talk with my daughter and lay down some rules about parental abuse. LOL

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