Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Wonderful, Wide, Wacky World of Strollers

Have you ever just looked at a stroller.  I mean really looked at one. They are interesting. They are your child's first true form of mobility. Do you remember getting your learners permit or your drivers license. The freedom and excitement that came with it was unsurpassed. A stroller is like that to a baby. They can see the sights, view new things, experience new colors, tap into a whole new world of tangible objects to touch and check out (as well as put in their mouth). Baby's learn through so many different avenues.

I am currently stroller shopping and I feel like I am at a loss. I think the stroller dilemma may just be the death of me. I think I may actually have my first emotional hormonal break down over strollers. (How strange.) I want just the right one and I want it to last. Day trips, weekend trips, trips to theme parks, mobility, traveling, I want it all. My life will not end just because I have a child. I want to make sure that they get to experience everything life has to offer along the way and that includes tagging along with mom and dad on all of our adventures. But how to get the baby there and make the travel along the way easier is just a conundrum. 3 wheeled, 4 wheeled, hard wheeled, rubber blown up wheels, pivot wheels, extra accessories, pop on and off activity toys, an IPOD player..... REALLY! Jogging strollers, walking strollers, travel systems YEESH! JEEP, Eddie Bauer, Graco, Safety 1st, Peg Pereggo OMG! I would rather pay a little more money for something that all matches and has a baby carrier/car seat and included base for the car then buy everything separate. I don't want to have to buy another stroller as long as kid #1 needs one. I don't have a lot of room and we are a 1 stroller only family. It' countdown time and the pressure is on. Dan and I will probably be spending some time this weekend and next registering for the baby. It's go time. Do or die. If I have to try out every stroller in Target and Babies 'R Us I will. If I have to put Dan into the stroller for maximum effectiveness than by God I will.

My new arch nemesis....... "The Stroller".

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