Monday, September 12, 2011

Larry, Moe & Curly Plus A Pregnant Woman....

That's right, it was total mayhem and comedic relief at Target yesterday. Brad and Nikki from next door went with Dan and I to register. We got 1 scanner between the 4 of us. I gave it to Dan so he felt included and an important part of this process. At first, I thought that by doing that it was a good thing. I quickly changed my mind. Dan and Brad started scanning EVERYTHING! And I do mean everything. They scanned all of the clothing in the maternity section regardless of the color, look or size. Then they proceeded down the toy aisle. They then scanned everything down the baby food aisle as well. It was crazy. Nikki and I finally created a plan. Nikki and I would grab what we needed, put it into the cart, Dan would scan it and Nikki would know how many of each to scan and then Brad would put everything back on the shelf. That worked for about and hour and then the boys hit the kids clothing section. The pants, skirts, shirts, hats, sunglasses, boys clothes, girls clothes went flying. I just couldn't keep up. The boys were having fun so you know what, sometimes you just have to pick your battles. So needless to say, after 2 hours at Target I was exhausted. We turned in the scanner and then I spent most of last night on line going back through the registry and erasing the damage. LOL What a good time had by all and it was great to have the support of good friends like Brad and Nikki along for the ride.

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