Monday, October 10, 2011

We Had Snow.....Well For At Least 2 Hours

We had snow for about 2 hours, then all of a sudden it blew through, warmed up to about 50 degrees and it was long gone. Here is what we drove up into.....

My weekend was great at Hume Lake in the Sequoia National Forest. The retreat was spectacular. The food was she-she gourmet, the company was fantastic but the speaker.....oh the speaker! Sometimes God creates a divine appointment between two people to make sure that they cross paths in life. This was one of them. I met Peggy Rupple our guest speaker for the entire conference. She is a 5 time cancer survivor of non-hodgkins lymphoma. She was a pistol, a tiny little thing filled with life, love and happiness. So of course I cried the entire weekend. God sent me this angel to speak directly to my heart at this exact time in my life and to give me peace in that He is the ultimate physician and He can cure and heal all. I felt connected and strangely drawn to Peggy. I had to meet her. I introduced myself Friday night after her talk and we spoke at lengths about her experiences and my current circumstances. We talked ourselves silly till about 11pm (way past this Preggers bedtime). God is good and he brought about enlightenment and peace for me. I came down the mountain last night a new woman: refreshed, redefined and radiant. I am to be in his word, trust in him that beautiful things can come from Cancer and to not let anyone of anything steal my joy at this place in my life with our impending bundle of joy!

It is only 2 days over a 3 day period of time, it takes an entire year to get to this date on the calendar annually, it is out in the middle of no where and takes 6 hours to get there, but never has anything been so important, so required, so necessary to renew my spirit. I LOVE HUME!!!

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