Monday, October 31, 2011

Flu Shots......Ouch!!

Dan and I went over to Target to the pharmacy to get our Flu shots on Friday night after work. Mandatory for me being pregnant and semi mandatory for Dan being around Sophia so much after birth just for precautionary sake. Dan was a champ. He always is but usually gets the Flu from the shot and is down for 2-3 days right after. We got lucky. No reaction this time and he is feeling right as rain. Me on the other hand......I have an Owie!!! ;( They gave me a different Flu shot without the egg protein mixture in it to be safe that it doesn't cause an allergic reaction for Sophia. It was a bigger needle, a different kind of shot looks wise (big, blue, round cylinder kind of like a mini mag light flashlight but you can see through the plastic) with the needle nestled inside. When I got it, it hurt worse than any other Flu shot I had gotten before. I got a big welt on my left arm from it from where all of the fluid rested under the muscle. It took 2 days for the welt to disappear and the vaccine to dissipate. Hurt like a you know what and of course not thinkig Dan spent most of the weekend jabbing me in the left arm to get my attention not realizing that, that was the arm I got the shot in! Ow!!!!. All is good though this Monday morning. Feel great. Glad to have the shot, glad for that to be over.

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