Friday, October 14, 2011

And Baby Makes 4???!!!.......

Before you get your panties in a bunch this is not me that I am talking about! I got the most remarkable phone call from my sister Cindy last night. We are heading over to her house tomorrow for Faith's 1st birthday party. She wanted to sit and talk with me a bit to touch base about my baby shower next weekend and the birthday party tomorrow. More importantly she had something to tell me. Cindy is now 5 months pregnant. She didn't want to say anything because she knows I am dealing with the baby showers and this is my first baby so she didn't want to steal my thunder. She made my mom and dad swear to secrecy not to say anything till later till she had the chance to talk to me directly. She is definitely showing now and she can no longer hide it so since I was going to be seeing her tomorrow she waned to tell me to not be shocked. I can't believe it! Sophia and Cindy's #2 will be 2 months apart. They will grow up together, be in the same grade together, go through the same stages in life together and I can take belly bump pics with my sister! How freakin' cool is this. Awesomeness!!! Wow! This is just the best news and I can't believe she kept it from me so long. That little terd. LOL Congrats Cindy, Roy and Faith on your new addition to the family!!!

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