Friday, October 28, 2011

Health Update....

I had a Dr.'s appt.this past week with my baby Dr. It was the first time in almost 6 weeks that I got to go face to face, mano y mano with my baby Dr. and we had a chance to talk about a little of everything. So far all of the blood work has come back negative. No Tay Sachs, no Down Syndrome, nothing. Praise God!. I also, after doing my 2nd blood glucose test (the 3 hr. one) am gestational diabetes free Another big Whoop! Whoop! for the "Big Guy Upstairs". My baby Dr. then weighed in on the cancer. Both incidences were cancer yes. However they were pre-cancer at the time they were caught. Both times the offending tissue was removed in its entirety and I am officially Cancer free. No chemo, no radiation, no meds. Thank God! He says although concerning that they happened so close together it is just a coincidence and I am going to have to be careful going forward constantly checking myself and doing my normal Dr.'s check-ups so that we don't miss anything in the future. On the flip side, Sophia is just fine. This is a me thing, my cells, my body not a baby thing. She is happy and healthy and will be delivered that way. After delivery though they may want to do some exams and tests just to make sure internally no cells grew during gestation since we can't see them right now. Aw...... ok now I can breathe a sigh of relief. Scary, yes. Frightening and unnerving to say the least. Happy that it is all over. Thank you to all of my family and friends who sent best wishes, words of encouragement and prayers. They were greatly appreciated and helped in times of uncertainty and distress. I love each and every one of you. God has blessed me by putting you in my life and I am eternally grateful.

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