Monday, October 17, 2011

Warning: Gross But Worth The Laughs It Will Bring

Late on Saturday night of this past weekend, Bandit seemed completely un-enamored with me. Didn't want a thing to do with me or the baby bump for that matter. He avoided me like the plague, walked around me and refused to sit next to me or on me. How rude! What could I have possibly done. So of course, Dan being the smart butt he is chimed in and said, "Wow you are like one of those ugly kids that the mom has to tie a pork chop around your neck to get the dog to play with you". Ouch! So Bandit wasn't in the mood. I didn't do anything. At least I think I didn't do anything. So Dan jumps up and says, "I have an idea". He went to the pantry, got the peanut butter an rubbed some on my belly bump. Ewwwwwww! He called for Bandit and he came running, smelled the peanut butter and I was his bestest friend in the world at that point in time. I and Sophia were getting licked by the dog who had been coerced by peanut butter and my husband and my husband was on the floor peeing himself he was laughing so hard. So what's a girl to do???!!! LOL Life brings its up and downs. You learn to pick your battles. How could I have been angry with him. It was so funny that even I started laughing. Ahhhh, and I cried a little too. They say laughter is the best medicine. It can cure anything. That is in fact what I am hoping. Laughter is always welcome at my house and I look forward to the sound of baby giggles and gurgles and toddler laughter to come.

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