Friday, October 21, 2011

96 Days & Counting.....

Ahhhh..... countdown time. I have less than 96 days till Sophia is here. Yeah!!!! And tomorrow is my family baby shower. So excited. Can't wait to see my family and friends and celebrate. So many of my family members and friends are pregnant right now and I can't wait to swap stories, take pictures and spend quality time together. I am soooo happy. So many people say that the 3rd trimester is so much harder. I will agree, but so many more wonderful, beautiful things happen in the 3rd trimester as well. I am taking each day, 1 day at a time and enjoying everything in passing. I am trying not to waste any moment of this entire process. I am documenting everything here on my blog or in my leather bound journal that I will give Sophia once she is old enough to read it and understand it. I am on the last 2 tasks to finish Sophia's crib and nursery area in the apartment. Can't wait till it is done and I can post photos for you all to see. So thankful for all of those special close people in my life right now who love me and are watching over me, who are putting on my baby showers, who are supporting me, who are making sure that I have everything I need and can really just nest at this time in my life with my husband, dog and belly bump. Call me spoiled. I don't care. I am loved. And I am thankful and appreciative for all of it.

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