Monday, February 6, 2012

So much to write, So little sleep!!!!!

Sophia is now 13 days old. Oh my gosh. It is already going by so fast. The days have blended together, I dont know what month we are in or what day of the week is. Dan and I have become so sleep deprived it is ridiculous. We are trying to take shifts at night when sophia gets up. Her usual routine is 10 or 11pm, 1am, 2am, 5am and 8am. Unfortunately this is not set in stone and she has decided to stay up indefinately from 1am to 5am and it is killing us. I am beginning to think that she is developing colic. Crap. Not good. This could get dangerous from Dan and I real quick. Looking for some help and some great advice. What do we do now????

My mom came last week to help out. Huge help. Gave me some down time and let me sleep a bit. A week by ourselves and then Dan's parents are coming out for 4 days to help. Thank God. I cant say how important all the extra help is. I would go insane. And I need my naps. Let me stress that...... I NEED MY NAPS!!!!!!

Now lets just hope the few nights we have her alone with no help she actually sleeps.

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