Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Colic is an evil word. It is an even more evil condition. While Sophia does not have colic per say, she has terrible gas bubbles that are excruciatingly painful and she has made this very clear to her Daddy and I. My little girl is in pain, she cant tell me where it hurts or how to fix it and there is not much I can do to help her. This feels debilitating. Dan and I are not getting any sleep. I rarely get a chance to blog and check email let alone feed myself or shower. She is so needy at night and stays up the entire time. She just wants to releive herself of these air bubbles but doesnt have the ability to do it herself so she constantly needs to be rocked, patted, burped, rocked, bounced and cradled. This is killing me. I feel like a failure as a parent. No parent wants their chikd to feel like this or to go through this. I feel like I am doing something wrong. We are not sleeping as a result of it, we are irritable, argumentative and frustrated. We argue more now than we have our entire marriage. And let me remind you, arguing at 4am after no sleep with a screaming crying baby in your ear is not the fair kind of arguing you want to do. You say things you dont mean, you are more vicious than normal and you dont remember a darn thing the next morning. Ooops! Not good, not good. Everybody keeps saying this will go away. People say it will be a month or two. Others say no big deal, this wont last. Great then why dont we just skip it all together and forget the whole thing rather than it continuing. This sucks. I have no idea how single moms do this. If it wasnt for Dan taking half the night and me taking the other I might just collapse. Please pray for us and Sophia that she gets over this quick and we survive.

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