Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Baby's 1st Starbucks

Today we ventured out to Starbucks. Baby's 1st Starbucks that is. I ordered my favorite a passion fruit iced tea lemondae, Dan ordered a strawberry smoothie, we shared a Bistro box for snack and Sophia, well Sophia took her milk mommy made, full caf, full fat, frothed and warmed, no whipped cream, LOL. We hung out for around 2-3 hours. Dan and I got some much needed WI-Fi time to check emails, Blog and surf the web. Sophia on the other hand just slept. She does a lot of that during the day. We try to keep her up and make her sleep at night but that doesnt seem to work very well. I read somewhere that babies sleep as much as 18 to 20 hours a day. Wow! That is the exact amount of time that Bandit our dog sleeps. Maybe she would sleep better at night if I let her curl up next to Bandit in his bed??!! LOL They can be bunk mates. Last night was fantastic. If there was a reward program for 1 month olds I would be rewarding my daughter for allowing us to sleep last night. She went down at 10pm, was up at 12am to 1am and then up again at 4am until 4:45am and then up at 7am this morning. Wow! Up only twice last night. That is the most sleep Dan and I have gotten since she was born. I feel like a new woman today. What a little sleep will do for you. Thanks for all of the kind words and prays for Sophia to sleep. God is a good and soverign God. He hears our prayers and answered them. Now if we can have that every night. LOL I know it's unrealistic but a girl can dream cant she??!!

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