Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Post Partum Depression

Many women suffer from post partum depression after having a child. While I do not feel that this pertains to me (at least not yet as I have not shown any symptoms), I can understand and sympathise with the women who do. Having a child is an emotional and physical roller coaster. You lose your identitiy in the process, you body is no longer yours, you experience emotions you never had before. There may be regret, fear, anger, resentment, love, hate, helplessness and the list goes on and on.

Having a fussy baby or a baby with colic can compound these symptoms. This I do know as Sophia has been exerting signs of colic but does not meet all the the symptom requirements to be diagnosed as such. Lots of late nights, 1 am feedings, screaming and crying. It is absolutely exhausting. I do not know how moms before me have done it. I find myself at wits end some nights just praying she will sleep even for a minute so I can get some down time. Only time will tell as to whether or not she has colic. I am hoping it is just a phase and it all blows over.

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