Sunday, June 12, 2011


I make no excuses for what I write in this blog. I also will make no exceptions. We all want a perfect pregnancy where nothing goes wrong, nine months seem like 2, there are no labor pains and when the baby pops out it looks like a cherub, bright eyed and bushy tailed with a full head of hair and instead of crying it greets you with Mama or Dada. AND THEN YOU WOKE UP! In all reality we know that this is not the case. I promise to update you and give you the details but spare you the DETAILS. If you know what I mean. In the meantime, let's be frank..... flabby, fat and lazy is not a good feeling nor is it a woman's favorite accessory and I seem to be wearing it well. I have been terribly blessed that I have not had any morning sickness as of yet but as soon as I lay down at night I get a little queasy. Not much but enough to know that this is not right. Thank the lord for Ginger Ale at my bedside and trail mix. Other than that I am fabulous! No really I am. No nightmares of giving birth to a green alien with human toes and no crazy cravings (the thought of even putting pickles and ice cream together makes me want to hurl- who thought of that any ways?)

Now with that said, I have developed crazy allergies over the last 6 months. I sneeze, cough, my eyes itch and twitch and I cant seem to hear out of my right ear when I wake up in the morning. Really! I get off scott free without maternity symptoms but I am going to spend 9 months dying of allergies sans the allergy relief. How ironic.

It's way to early to be "nesting" just yet but I do have to admit I am a little O.C.D. and I have in my minds eye the perfect crib. I am all about multitasking. I have been surfing the web over the last couple of days looking for a 4 in 1 crib. One that converts from baby to toddler to kid bed with an attached changer. Any ideas? If you know where to find one at a decent price give me a holler. I have all ready gotten a nursing apron from free just by using their secret code. You just pay shipping and handling. Go to or maybe it's use code SPRING2011 and you can get a free papoose sling for you to wear and carry your new born in. Again you pay shipping and handling. When finished ordering there, they will give you that secret code for Pretty cool. Thanks to an active listening ear and my sister Cindy giving birth last October I knew that the only thing I needed to arm myself with for this pregnancy was the book, "What To Expect When You Are Expecting". The author is an absolute genius. Granted the book is as long as "War and Peace" but definitely worth the read. It even teaches you how to deliver your own baby if no one is around. Really!!! I think I am facing the wrong direction for that one but if I happen to get stranded on the 405 freeway (it takes 4 or 5 hours to get any where- that's why it's named that) then I guess I will be in good shape.

I have struck up a deal with a close friend who is a genius with a camera. He will be taking my baby bump photos each month leading up to the birth to show you just how big I actually get. We will have the first of those photos for you this week. Here's to closing out week 7 and starting week 8!

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