Friday, June 10, 2011

Bienvenue! Hello and welcome to my Blog!

Those of you who know me well are probably wondering why I didn't start blogging years ago. Others of you may be interested in why all of a sudden I am? Well, the truth is, this is something I have always wanted to do just never commited to it and now I have a reason to. You see we're pregnant!!! Yup that's right. Preggers, Preggo, bun in the oven, cupcake on board, a loaded dishwasher, etc. call it what you want but we are pregnant. As of this first post we are 7 weeks 2 days along. Only 230 more days to go. Yeesh! Granted we are just in the beginning stages but we are pregnant none the less. Due date e.t.a. is January 26, 2012 and I am sure with advancing modern technology that date may change a couple of times as we get closer and as we have check ups and Dr.'s visits but I promise to keep you posted.

I'm sure by now you have noticed the name of my blog: Le Petit LeBlanc (the little LeBlanc). Yup, that's for our little guy or girl. Frankly we dont care which one we get as long as they are happy and healthy. Though I do think Dan is pulling for a boy first. I'm sure Grandpa John would love to have a little more testosterone around the Stuber household as well! We have our first official Dr.'s visit next Friday, June 17th with our baby Dr. I'm sure we will be doing our first sonogram that day also so I look forward to keeping you guys posted as to what's going on but also making sure I post all of the photos as well.

I have to tell you, being a first timer can be nerve wrecking. I am open to all urban legends, wives tales and words of advice that you can provide so link on up, connect to me and start spilling the beans. I look forward to sharing with all of our family and friends both near and far the upcoming details of life in the fast lane at the LeBlanc house. TTFN I'll see you next post.

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