Monday, June 27, 2011

The Carb Queen

I have found that carbs are my friend this week. The heavier the carb, the longer it sticks with me, the better I feel. I was a carb fanatic before the pregnancy but wow has it really taken off! I love salads and fruits and veggies but I have found in the last week in particular that they are not enough. I need something with substance. Otherwise, I start to get a bit dizzy and the nausea creeps back in again. Pastas, breads, potatoes, etc. Gimme! Watch your fingers when it comes to getting in between a pregnant woman and her food. I don't have a problem biting the hand that feeds me. LOL

I took myself out to lunch today to Macaroni Grill and ordered up some "Create Your Own Pasta" bowl. Some rigatoni with pomodoro sauce and ricotta meatballs. YUM! Pass the bread please! As I found myself lingering over the bowl of pasta literally drinking it all in, I came to the realization that it wasn't lunch for 1 but for 2. As I began to doodle on the butcher paper table cloth in front of me, my mind began to wander about my child. He or She, color of hair, eye color, dad's nose or mine. I began to draw small hearts and stars all over the table cloth. What a wonderful thing to be a mom. One huge gift of passion, perseverance and pain. One small hand with tiny fingers. One huge undertaking that turns your life upside down. One tiny little heart that loves you unconditionally. One sacrifice. One love to last a lifetime. I think I am really going to like being called "Mom".

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