Monday, June 13, 2011

Beware The Grumpies!!!

As a kid I remember my sister Kimberly reading a book called "Terrible, Horrible, No Good ,Very Bad Day". It was about a little boy that nothing in the universe would go right for him that one day. Now I am not complaining or anything. I am very blessed to have a great career, a husband who loves me dearly, a dog that adores me, a roof over my head and food in my belly. But really girls, we have all had a "Terrible, Horrible, No Good ,Very Bad Day". Today, thank goodness, is not one of them but it is starting to shape up as a grumpie one. There is this thing called "Baby Brain". Apparently it sucks the living brain cells out of you for approximately 9 months and makes you dumb. You forget things, get side tracked, start something and don't finish it, lose your keys then lose your purse looking for your keys, forget your lunch, forget an item on your grocery list, etc. Well, I think I'm infected. And I have the bug big time! I hate to have to admit this. I am usually so put together, this is frustrating. I think I am in the beginning stages: "The Grumpies". Little things just push my buttons now and I have got to tell you, my couch, the dog and a good blanket seem like the best remedy for everything right now.

Eating has also become my best friend. Not comfort food, junk food or sugary food, just food. Pasta, chicken, steak, salads, pork chops, soups, Italian, Mexican, Chinese. It doesn't matter I just love food and I have a new found respect for it as well. I found the more often I eat, the smaller portions I eat, the happier I feel throughout the day. And I've even heard this is what is keeping that morning sickness and nausea at bay. Yeah! Food Good! Vomit Bad!

So to all you nay sayers out there, I get it. I'm not eating for 2, I realize that. But at least I can eat what I love and what is good for me knowing that it is good for the baby too. So the next questions is: What's for dinner?????

1 comment:

Darriett said...

Girl you are as healthy as a body-builder I know what the word "food" does to everyone but you are in the clear!!!