Friday, June 17, 2011

Houston: We have a baby!

Today I got to see God's little miracle in action. Yes it was our 1st baby Dr. visit. I got to see out little lima bean in action and hear his/her little heartbeat. One of my girlfriends even commented that his/her first picture looks a little like a gerbil. Lovely, I am having a hamster. Move over Richard Gere. LOL It was absolutely amazing! It's so tiny. That little body up on the screen with my name above it. How powerful and awestruck was I. I looked up what life looks like in utero at 8 weeks 2 days and my kids got fingers and toes all ready. He/She's gonna be an over achiever I just know it. Fingers and toes!....ready to get to work all ready. LOL

This is all too much! It really is. I cant believe it. There is so much to know and absorb. I got sent home with a copy of everything from books to magazine to coupons to blood cord banking to what to do, what to wear, how to plan. I feel like I am prepping for a thesis paper and I have just finished gathering my research materials. Wow! Talk about it taking a village to raise a child. I think it takes a Ph.D. But on a serious note, I am happy, healthy and on cloud 9. We did this. We made this. God saw fit for us to be parents. God is an AWESOME God!!! I am so blessed in so many ways in my life. There are sometimes no words to properly describe a feeling or the appreciation one feels when offered such an enormous and beautiful task such as this. Thank you Abba Father for this gift!

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