Friday, March 9, 2012

My House Isn't Clean But At Least The Baby Is!!!!

I dont have any time. My time is no longer my own. It now belongs to my 45 day old daughter. I have learned to multi task with one hand. My house isnt clean but at least the baby is. And I have managed to forget everything: my wallet, my purse, the diaper bag, my keys, my to do list, the mail and even clothing, yes clothing, BUT I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN THE BABY (yet). LOL I struggle to get enough sleep and I am walking a fine line between the sane and insanity. I am anxious, frustrated, angry, sad, happy, excited and tired all wrapped up in a big pink bow. This baby raisin' thing is hard. Harder than anything I have ever done in my life. I look forward to the 5 minutes or so I get a day to myself but unfortunatetly I waste it on other things like the laundry needing to be done, grocery list being written, house cleaning, dishes, even making meals is a waste of time. Sleep, ahhhh, sleep. So precious. Cant earn it, cant get enough of it. If you waste it you can not get it back. I definitely need more of it. And of course I say that as I write to you at 12:56AM.  lol

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