Friday, March 2, 2012

Man Your Battle Stations It's Baby Duty Time

Dan is re-certing this weekend for life guarding. This is a requirement each year in order for him to lifeguard for the city or the county each summer. That means 2 days of back to back drills, swimming and classroom time. It also means 6am wake ups on both Saturday and Sunday. That doesn't bode well for a household currently being held hostage sleep wise by a colicky baby of only 38 days. So I am officially on baby duty both nights by myself. Yup, you heard it, BY MYSELF!!! No reinforcements whatsoever. Yikes. This could get messy quickly. For all of you who are squeamish, look away now, avert your eyes, don't look don't look. LOL I am up to the task and those of you who know me, know that I am a type A personality, so of course I am overly prepared to take on this task. Hee, Hee. I have a make shift changing station set up in the living room on the ottoman. I have snacks and water bottles prepared for me on the coffee table. I have extra sheets and blankets set up on the couch for me to crash if I need to. The night lights are on, the bedroom door is closed up tight for Daddy and I am waiting for the early morning infomercials to come on so I can order products I don't need that don't work. LOL We got this in the bag. Slam Dunk!!!!

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