Friday, July 1, 2011

Cravings: To Be Or Not To Be....

I had someone ask me if I needed them to run out yesterday and get me some pickles and ice cream while on break at yesterday's career fair. Really! The idea of putting those together in the first place makes me want to hurl. Sour and sweet with the vinegar like that..... porcelain god here I come. I don't understand why the first thing out of everyone's mouth when I tell them I am pregnant is, "What are you craving". I feel like I let them down by saying, "Um, nothing". Then I spend a few minutes convincing them that that is true. Short of me wanting artichokes for dinner 2 nights ago (by the way they were yummy LOL), that's been about it. I am finishing up my 3rd month and closing out the 1st trimester and very little nausea and no cravings. It's just the truth! This was the same for my sister Cindy as I can remember. She drank a lot of milk and ate quite a few bags of gummy bears if my memory serves me correctly, but that was it. I feel boring like I am missing out on all the action. I know that I haven't been a big meat fan over the past week (for a second there I thought my child would be a vegetarian), but even then I have heard that little things like that are normal. Well, welcome to my normal average pregnancy. I think average suits me and the baby just fine!!!!

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